Understanding the FHP/Bosch
Geothermal Heat Pump Model Number
Wow, that's a long model number!
The Bosch Geothermal Heat Pump MODEL number is quite long. Below is a map of the nomenclature for 3 typical water source heat pumps. Please note, there are slight variations between models (SM, CE, BP, SV, LV, LM, ES, EP, TW, WT etc) but this will give you the basic information.
1st diagram - Typical Bosch Residential water-to-air unit - SM model
2nd diagram - Typical FHP Light Commercial water-to-air unit- LV Model (commercial models have more factory options)
3rd diagram - Typical FHP/Bosch water-to-water heat pump - WT model
Model specification documents usually contain a page on that model's nomenclature. To read the model nomenclature for a specific model, refer to that model's specification documentation. For older FHP models these docs can be found on Mill Pond Mech's FHP/Bosch Document Archive page. For current models, go to the Bosch website.
1st diagram - Typical Bosch Residential water-to-air unit - SM model
2nd diagram - Typical FHP Light Commercial water-to-air unit- LV Model (commercial models have more factory options)
3rd diagram - Typical FHP/Bosch water-to-water heat pump - WT model
Model specification documents usually contain a page on that model's nomenclature. To read the model nomenclature for a specific model, refer to that model's specification documentation. For older FHP models these docs can be found on Mill Pond Mech's FHP/Bosch Document Archive page. For current models, go to the Bosch website.
SM Model - Residential Geothermal Heat Pump Nomenclature
LV Model - Light Commercial Geothermal Heat Pump Nomenclature
WT Model - Light Commercial Water-to-Water Heat Pump Nomenclature